Thursday, August 20, 2009

Little bit of life....

So this summer has been ridiculously busy for me. Mostly with work and making plans for the future.

I am currently in the middle of taking a CNA certification class that will allow me to begin working in a hospital as a patient care technician. In about one week I will also begin taking classes to fill out the prerequisite requirements for admission into the nursing program. At the moment my plan is to complete that program and then go on to Med school. That is a lot of school! While I am confident that this is the direction that I want to go, life has a way of shaping things sometimes. So for now, one step at a time.

On a different thought. I have also been preparing all summer to start my own company. This has primarily been researching the legal stuff regarding business structure, tax codes, etc... I am really excited about this. I should be ready to start it up in september. Keep me in your prayers cause this will likely be a wild ride.

And now for something completely different. I am working on writing a book. This has been a dream of mine for a while and over the last month and a half I have start collecting my notes and organizing my ideas. I suspect this will be a long process and likely be one of the back burner things on my mind during the school year.However it is something I am intent on doing.

This is the first entry in the school year's blog. My hope is to update this at least once a week with progress on the above mentinoed activities and thoughts about everything else. Thanks for reading this and please keep me accountable to writing once a week. Also let me know if you like what you read as I am working on ideas for a book. Love ya'll

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Conservative nature of Freedom

It has been entirely to long since I have written. As a result my mind is full of thoughts and ideas to share. I recently finished the book, " Liberty and Tyranny" by Mark Levin. Brilliant book, well deserving of its place on the New York times best seller list. The man has methodically examined the nature of Conservatism verses Liberalism in regards to government. One of the best thoughts he conveys in his book is the idea that conservatives live by a creed, "Live and let live." Freedom is a responsibility that is to heavy for most people, especially those who do not think through there actions. The freedom shared by citizens of this great country allows for heinous manipulation by those who rather than embrace their freedoms chose to seek power instead. They seek to limit the freedoms of others so that they can be powerful. Rather than work for their rewards. They demand others work for it and give it to them. They demand socialized health care. Welfare/Food for all without working for it or contributing to the program. There is no motivation to. This does not sound like live and let live. Rather it sounds like, " Leech and let die." Which would you choose?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Leadership and Life

This topic has been on my mind a lot lately. It is complex, multifaceted, and tough. On the other hand it is also extremely essential and practical. So perhaps a series of discussions on this topic will emerge.

I was reading a verse today in 2 Timothy about life. The reference was 2 Timothy 2:4. " No one in military service gets entangled in matters of everyday life; otherwise he will not please the one who recruited him." The emphasis is mine on everyday life. This led me to a series of thoughts.

How often are we entangled in everyday life? If you are like me the answer is "All the time. Hello!!! Its my life." And maybe thats a fair thought but its not what we are told to do.

Do you remember yoda? If you have seen the more recent star wars movies you will remember seeing this little green guy in the midst of a huge battle just walking along. He is not worried at all about the explosions all around or the blaster fire or even the enemies. He is focused on the big picture. There is a battle raging and he is focused on the strategy and how to win the whole battle not just his "everyday life."

We should be like Yoda more often. Philosophy aside. His attitude reflects that of Christ when he says in Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?" We should be more focused on Christ and His big picture than our own little area. A result of looking up at the big picture will be that our own little area is put in proper perspective, and often the way through is easier to see when we have the right perspective.